Senior Portraits for Class of 2025 Close 3/31. Book Today!
Carson Butler
Melissa High School
Cady is more than just a place to get your yearbook photo taken, it’s a place to celebrate your life. More specifically the last four years of your life, which let’s face it, when you are in high school four years in an eternity. So many changes to your life and monuments occasions accrue then. Most of us will experience our first kiss, our first “love” crush, giant zits, disappointment, fear of the real world and what is to come.
I have never been your typical child or student. My mom always says I came out already raised. I have never been in trouble, I have stellar grades, I am responsible, and I have extremely high expectations for myself and my future. I have had diligent focus these last four years of high school. During my freshman year, I set out to put in motion my next four years. Freshman year I made varsity soccer, I went out for debate having never enjoyed public speaking, I started a medical assisting program, I took my first college class, and I took my first of many SATs. There were tears, there was frustration, however, there was always conviction that I was doing right for myself.
The hard work was enjoyable, each year I would see that I was coming closer and closer to my four-year goals for myself. I am now a Senior, wow that is hard to believe. Having set myself up in the early years of high school I have been able to really make the most of this final hoorah! My Senior year is filled with Varsity Debate tournaments, in which I am the Varsity Captain. I did so well my Junior year that not only did I make it to state, but I also made Senior year Varsity Captain. I am the very first to graduate in the Medical Assisting program with CTE credits. I have taken classes through my high school and Collin Community College since my Freshman year in order to achieve this, I am paving the way for others. In May of this year, I passed my state licensing test and am a board-certified Medical Assistant. This is the first step in my dream of becoming a Doctor. I am currently working at a doctor’s office to continue my education.
Upon graduating from high school, I will be 17 credits shy of my Associate’s Degree. I have been taking college classes outside of high school for several years. Since my goal is to become a doctor, I know I have an insane amount of school left. Every chance I get, I am working towards achieving this dream.
Balance is something I struggle with. I set a goal and just get laser-focused on achieving it. Having always been competitive I have tried several things to see what my passion is. I have landed on motorcycles. I have a dirt bike and a street bike. Going fast and the wind on my face, there is nothing like it. Truly believe this is the healthy outlet that will keep my going.
While taking my Senior portraits and seeing them on the screens I was speechless, overcome with emotions and a sense of pride in myself. I have missed many activities to achieve my goals over the years. Seeing the pictures of me with awards, medals, my scrubs, and the motorcycle that I paid for, was more than I can put into words. The amazing photographs give me something tangible and put meaning to everything I have achieved and sacrificed for. I was renewed, and I was recommitted to my goals, to my life, and to my passions. I am now unstoppable!
The amazing photographs give me something tangible and put meaning to everything I have achieved and sacrificed for.